MESMER-EAST LLC in cooperation with ALKATAS LLC is carrying out construction and reconstruction works at WWTP (Waste Water Treatment Plant) in the city of Chirchik under contract No. TS-CW-02 Lot 2 Reconstruction of the WWTP with a capacity of 100,000 m3/day in the city of Chirchik.

To date, the contractor is at the stage of designing a new facility. The given contract is being implemented within the framework of the Reconstruction of Drinking Water Supply and Sewerage Systems in Cities and Districts of the Tashkent Region Project and is socially significant for the population of the Tashkent region.

Due to the fact that construction and design work is financed by the ADB (Asian Development Bank), they systematically monitor the progress of work. So, on August 25, 2023, the ADB (Asian Development Bank) mission, headed by Massimo Petrone (head of the ADB mission), visited the construction site to get acquainted with the current issues, and the contractor informed and demonstrated the current situation at the construction site.